
Transitioning is HARD WORK!!!

Working two textures is really not easy. I've been slacking with the updates but I shall try my best to upload pictures and/or videos a little more often. Hair is growing pretty fast, I've got a decent amount of re-growth now. Not sure what my 'curl pattern' is yet or when I'm going to do the BC (big chop), but it may be soon....

Here are a couple of pictures of my hair now. I did a braid out so it's not actually that clear where the natural and relaxed hair meet.

I found a few great hair blogs and websites though and they have been so helpful. Youtube has been priceless too.

Blogs/websites for natural hair:

  • Natural Saturdays --->
  • Naturally Curly --->

Blogs for transitioners and/or Natural hair:

  • Naturally Sexy --->
  • The Moptop Maven --->
  • Glory Crown --->

I will be posting more photos in the gallery soon, and updating the hairstyles section as well

Much Love xxx